
Moxie Sozo Redesign For Mauna Loa Gives Macadamia Nuts Major Mahalo

hawaii island illustration hawaii island illustration
Moxie Sozo Redesign For Mauna Loa Gives Macadamia Nuts Major Mahalo

Mauna Loa is one of the five volcanos that form the Big Island of Hawaii. It is considered one of the largest active volcanoes on the planet, and nearby are the headquarters and central processing facility for the macadamia nut company that bears its name. Founded in 1946, the Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut has for decades served tourists and gift-givers looking for a taste of the islands but had recently seen an opportunity in offering nut-based foods aimed at the wellness market segment. If other nuts and beans such as soy, almond, pistachio, and peas can thrive serving the burgeoning health-conscious consumers, why not delicious Hawaiian macadamia nuts?

To reposition Mauna Loa into a global better-for-you wellness brand, the firm entrusted the mission to the talented folks at Moxie Sozo to propel the brand upwards and outwards while still preserving the authenticity and heritage of the brand. The creative agency delved deep, taking in the island and representing the land of Mauna Loa’s plantation with genuine depictions of its luscious landscapes. Ingredients, including the mighty macadamia nut, are beautifully illustrated and placed prominently on the packaging.

The new logo gets cleaned up, but they also capture the essence of Hawaii with new graphics representing the volcano and the green vegetation of the island. Curves in the type recall ocean waves, but the weight and straight lines give it power and strength. Plus, a new tagline, “Macadamia Powered Paradise,” is placed just above Mauna Loa.

What's more, the brand now offers a macadamia milk-based frozen dessert. Mauna Loa says the new line of frozen treats, available in six flavors, is the first ice cream alternative with macadamia milk. The branding and visual identity marvelously work well on the alt-cream pints, pouches, and jars of roasted and flavored macadamia nuts. Moxie Sozo’s design respects and projects the spirit of Mauna Loa, raising the macadamia nut as a healthier-for-you food while maintaining the legacy of the brand

Rudy Sanchez, Dieline

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